
2023-12-12 10:33:53 59 0

How long is the Great Wall? It is a question that has been asked for centuries, and the answer has been a subject of debate among historians and scholars. In this article, we will dive deep into the topic and explore the various estimates and theories regarding the length of the Great Wall.

1. The 7300 kilometer answer

The most commonly cited estimate for the length of the Great Wall is 7300 kilometers. This figure is widely accepted and taught in schools around the world. However, it is important to note that this measurement only includes the Ming Dynasty walls and does not account for earlier constructions.

2. Precise length of the Great Wall: 21,196.18 km

According to a more recent and precise survey conducted by the Chinese government, the total length of the Great Wall is 21,196.18 kilometers. This measurement includes all the walls built during different dynasties and takes into account not only the main walls but also the branches, trenches, and natural barriers that were incorporated into the defense system.

3. Historical records and estimates

There are several historical records and estimates that provide insights into the length of the Great Wall:

The "Bamboo Annals," an ancient Chinese text, mentions a wall built by the Qi state during the Spring and Autumn period (770-476 BC) that extended for 1,500 kilometers.

Sima Qian, a famous historian from the Han dynasty (206 BC 220 AD), estimated the length of the Great Wall to be around 10,000 li (a unit of measurement equivalent to 500 meters) during the Qin dynasty (221-206 BC).

Other historical texts, such as the "Guanzi" and the "Records of the Grand Historian," also provide varying estimates of the Great Wall's length.

4. The complexities of measuring the Great Wall

Measuring the exact length of the Great Wall is a challenging task due to various factors:

The Great Wall is not a continuous structure and is made up of different sections built during different eras.

Over time, many parts of the wall have deteriorated or been destroyed, making it difficult to determine their original length.

The terrain and geographical features along the wall's route, such as mountains, rivers, and valleys, further complicate the measurement process.

5. Satellite imagery and modern technology

In recent years, satellite imagery and advanced mapping technologies have been used to study and map the Great Wall. These tools enable researchers to identify and measure various sections of the wall, providing a more comprehensive understanding of its length and architecture.

6. Continuous efforts in preservation and research

The Chinese government, along with international organizations and scholars, continues to invest resources and efforts in the preservation and research of the Great Wall. Ongoing projects aim to accurately measure and document the entire length of the wall, shedding further light on its historical significance and cultural value.

In conclusion, while the commonly cited estimate for the length of the Great Wall is 7300 kilometers, a more precise survey conducted by the Chinese government puts the length at 21,196.18 kilometers. However, due to the complexities of measuring and preserving such a vast and ancient structure, the exact length of the Great Wall may remain a subject of exploration and debate for years to come.


How long is the Great Wall." (2012). Retrieved from https://www.bmcx.com/

The Great Wall." (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.chinahighlights.com/

The Great Wall." (2021). Retrieved from https://www.travelchinaguide.com/

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