发什么短信兑换积分话费 发送短信积分兑换话费

2024-07-19 10:17:23 59 0


1. 查询积分


China Mobile provides a convenient way for users to check their points by sending a text message with the content JF to the number 10658999.

2. 兑换话费

(1) 兑换10元话费需要840积分,编辑短信内容HF10或DH376570发送到10658999,即可短信兑换

To exchange 10 RMB worth of talk time, users can send a text message with the content HF10 or DH376570 to 10658999. This will deduct 840 points from their account.

(2) 兑换30元话费需要2500积分,编辑短信内容HF30或DH346031发送...

In order to exchange 30 RMB worth of talk time, users need to send a message with the content HF30 or DH346031 to the number provided. This will deduct 2500 points from their account.

3. 终端兑换方法


Users have multiple options to participate in points redemption, including China Mobile App, He Bao Payment App, China Mobile Points Mall, etc., to redeem prizes they desire.

4. 兑换标准及时间


For every 100 points, users are able to exchange for 1 RMB worth of talk time.


The exchanged talk time will be credited immediately to the user's account.

5. 其他运营商积分兑换


To exchange talk time for China Mobile users, they need to send a specific message to the provided number and follow the instructions.


China Unicom users can also exchange talk time by following a similar process of sending a specific message to the designated number for redemption.


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