
2024-02-23 08:08:58 59 0


信者得爱 is the Chinese translation of the phrase "The letter results in loves". This phrase is adapted from a song by Cantopop singer Sammi Cheng, who translated her album "信" into "信者得爱" for her non-Cantonese speaking fans.

1. The translation of "信者得爱"

The translation of "信者得爱" into English is "The letter results in loves". This translation captures the essence of the original phrase, which conveys the idea that love can be obtained through communication and expression of emotions.

2. The context of the translation

The phrase "信者得爱" is the title of Sammi Cheng's album and one of the songs on the album. The album consists of ten songs, including two new songs and the Mandarin versions of her previous songs "你爱我" and "阿门". The album was translated into "信者得爱" to cater to her non-Cantonese speaking fans.

3. The significance of the translation

The translation of "信者得爱" into "The letter results in loves" is significant as it allows non-Cantonese speaking fans of Sammi Cheng to understand and appreciate her music. By translating the album, Cheng ensures that her message of love and communication reaches a wider audience.

4. The challenge of translating "信者得爱"

Translating the phrase "信者得爱" posed a challenge due to the cultural and linguistic differences between English and Cantonese. The translator had to find an equivalent expression in English that conveys the same meaning and emotions as the original phrase. The translation "The letter results in loves" successfully captures the essence of the original phrase.

5. Translations of love expressions

Expressing love is an essential part of communication, and different languages have unique ways of conveying this emotion. While the direct translation of "I love you" is the most common expression of love in English, there are other ways to express love in different cultures and languages. For example, in Chinese, the phrase "写上林赋,得心上人" is used to describe finding one's soulmate, which translates to "Writing a poem in the forest, finding the intended person" in English.

6. Translation examples

Here are some additional examples of translations:

  1. The translation of "sense of security" into Chinese is "安全感".
  2. The translation of "burn up" into Chinese is "燃烧".
  3. The translation of "person" into Chinese is "人".
  4. The translation of "异端为背乎经常, 邪说乃涉于虚诞" into English is "Heresy deviates from the norm, while fallacious arguments delve into the realm of fiction".


The translation of "信者得爱" into "The letter results in loves" demonstrates the importance of effective translation in enabling cross-cultural communication. Through translation, artists like Sammi Cheng can share their messages and emotions with a broader audience, regardless of language barriers.

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