
2024-02-27 08:53:16 59 0

EASYPOWER specific growth fund net value analysis

EasyPower specific growth fund is a balanced mixed investment type fund with medium to high risk. As of September 30, 2023, the fund size is 979 million yuan. The fund manager is Sun Song and it was established on July 20, 2021, managed by EasyPower Fund. In this article, we will analyze the net value of the EasyPower specific growth fund and provide detailed information on various aspects of the fund.

  1. 1. Cumulative net value:
  2. The cumulative net value of the EasyPower specific growth fund is 0.7959. This indicates the overall performance of the fund since its inception. The net value takes into account the fluctuations in the value of the underlying assets and provides investors with a measure of the fund's growth over time.

  3. 2. Short-term performance:
  4. Recent 3 months:
  5. The fund's net value has shown a decrease of 3.69% over the past 3 months. This indicates a short-term underperformance of the fund. Investors should carefully consider this information before making investment decisions.

  6. Recent 6 months:
  7. The fund's net value has experienced a decline of 4.96% over the past 6 months. This further highlights the short-term underperformance of the fund.

  8. 3. Long-term performance:
  9. Since inception:
  10. The EasyPower specific growth fund has shown a decline of 20.41% since its inception. This indicates that the fund has not performed well in the long term. Investors should consider this information when evaluating the fund for long-term investments.

  11. Recent 3 years:
  12. No information on the net value performance of the fund over the past 3 years is available. This may indicate a lack of long-term data for analysis.

  13. 4. Fund details:
  14. Fund type: Mixed investment type balanced
  15. Risk level: Medium to high
  16. Fund size: 9.79 billion yuan (as of September 30, 2023)
  17. Manager: Sun Song
  18. Establishment date: July 20, 2021
  19. Management company: EasyPower Fund
  20. 5. Comparison with other funds:
  21. Unfortunately, there is no information available to compare the net value performance of the EasyPower specific growth fund with other funds. This limits the ability to assess the fund's relative performance within the market.

  22. 6. Acknowledgements and criticisms:
  23. Positive feedback:
  24. There is no positive feedback or acknowledgements available for the EasyPower specific growth fund. This may indicate a lack of notable achievements or exceptional performance by the fund.

  25. Negative feedback:
  26. There is no negative feedback or criticisms available for the EasyPower specific growth fund. This may indicate a lack of notable issues or concerns raised by investors.

  27. 7. Fund manager:
  28. The EasyPower specific growth fund is managed by Sun Song. It is important to assess the track record and qualifications of the fund manager in order to evaluate their ability to make informed investment decisions and generate positive returns for investors.

  29. 8. Historical performance:
  30. The EasyPower specific growth fund has a relatively short history, as it was established on July 20, 2021. Investors should consider the limited historical performance data available and exercise caution when making investment decisions based on this information.

  31. 9. Future expectations:
  32. Based on the current net value performance and limited information available, it is difficult to provide accurate future expectations for the EasyPower specific growth fund. Investors should conduct further research and analysis before making investment decisions.

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