快手估值多少亿 快手价值多少亿

2024-04-18 07:52:38 59 0

快手估值多少亿 快手价值多少亿

1. 宿华和程一笑的持股市值



2. 快手与抖音的估值对比


根据快手当前估值,抖音的估值约为6181亿元港币。抖音是由字节跳动孵化的一款音乐创意短视频社交软件。以2022年5月10日抖音约为快手的2.4倍计算,显示抖音在市值上占有一席之地。在视频产品方面,Easy to the Media's data showed that as of January 2021, the MAU of the Watermelon video was 168 million, higher than the 151 million of B station. Based on this, the valuation of Watermelon video should be slightly...

3. 梅特卡夫定律对快手市值的推测


According to Metcalfe's Law in the internet circle (Internet enterprise value = user value = single user value * number of users), if we calculate based on the valuation of Kuaishou being 50 billion USD and 500 million monthly active users, considering Kuaishou's position as the second largest short video platform, the monthly...

4. 快手与抖音的市值对比


According to a query on the official app websites of Kuaishou and Douyin, Kuaishou's market value in 2022 is 28.6 billion USD, equivalent to 2022 billion RMB, while Douyin's market value is 257.59 billion RMB. Douyin is a music creation short video social app incubated by ByteDance.

5. 快手新一轮融资后的估值


According to reports, the short video platform Kuaishou is undergoing a new round of financing of 1 billion USD, with a post-investment valuation of 18 billion USD. The previous round of lead investor Tencent will continue to follow up in this round, and the B-round investor Sequoia Capital also follows...

6. 对快手估值的范围推测


Based on Kuaishou's 480 million monthly active users, the estimated valuation range for Kuaishou is between 37 billion to 48 billion USD. However, for platform-based projects, in the long run, what is more valuable is the "monetizable traffic pool". This means that solidifying advertising revenue, transaction commissions, service fees...

7. 快手与微博估值的对比


As of April 27, 2021, Kuaishou's valuation was 114 billion Hong Kong dollars, while Weibo's valuation was 11.5 billion USD. If we convert, Kuaishou's valuation is more than ten times that of Weibo. Both are giants in the social media field, with similar numbers of users, but Kuaishou continues to lose money while Weibo...

8. 快手2019年至今的市值增长


As of March 2021, Kuaishou's market value is approximately 120 billion USD (approximately 780 billion RMB). Kuaishou's current market value has been achieved after years of continuous development and effort. The Chinese mobile internet company was founded in 2011 and, after less than 10 years, has...

9. 根据营收增速和PS估值水平的推算


If we assume a 50% revenue growth rate in 2021 and give the highest 15 times PS valuation level in the market, then Kuaishou's valuation will reach its peak in 2021.

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