***投资移民需要多少钱有什么条件 ***投资移民需要多久多少钱

2024-04-23 09:34:36 59 0

***投资移民需要多少钱有什么条件 ***投资移民需要多久多少钱

1. ***投资移民申请条件简单

Investors can easily apply for the EB-5 visa, with no educational, language, or bank deposit requirements. There is also no need for immigration supervision.

2. 快速处理周期

The processing time for the EB-5 visa is relatively short, usually around 8-10 months.

3. 享受***优质教育资源

Children of EB-5 investors can enjoy 12 years of free basic education in the United States, with priority access to top universities and programs that may be difficult for foreign students to get into.

4. 高投资额

The basic investment amount for the EB-5 program is $1 million, or $500,000 in targeted employment areas. In addition to the investment amount, applicants may need to pay intermediary fees ranging from $20,000 to $60,000.

5. 区域中心项目特点

Investors can also choose to invest in regional center projects that do not require a direct job creation, but can lead to permanent residency after around 2 years.


In summary, the EB-5 investment immigration program provides a relatively straightforward path to obtaining a Green Card in the United States. With a simple application process, short processing time, and access to top educational resources, it is a popular choice for many investors looking to immigrate to the U.S.

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