***的贸易顺差去哪了 我国的贸易顺差

2024-05-13 07:57:10 59 0

***的贸易顺差去哪了 我国的贸易顺差

1. 2022年12月7日:贸易伙伴和外汇来源

China's trade surplus has gone to ASEAN, the EU, and the United States, allowing for significant surpluses. These three partners account for a large proportion of China's foreign exchange earnings. Another source is...

2. 2022年11月16日:贸易顺差数据

In the first nine months of this year, China's trade surplus in imports and exports reached $645.1 billion, up by 51.6%. By the end of 2021, China's foreign exchange reserves stood at $3.25 trillion, but by the end of September 2022...

3. 2022年11月4日:***取得巨大贸易顺差

China has achieved significant victories in foreign trade this year, with a breakthrough in trade surplus. In September alone, China's trade surplus grew by 10%, and in previous months...

4. 2022年11月12日:贸易顺差来源国

The United States, the EU, ASEAN, and other economies are the main sources of China's trade surplus, which can directly convert into foreign exchange reserves. Another source is foreign investment...

5. 2023年2月27日:外汇流动和贸易顺差

From the perspective of international payments, a large part of China's merchandise trade surplus is offset by service trade deficits and non-reserve financial account deficits. From the perspective of forex flows...

6. 2023年5月11日:贸易顺差和逆差

Is a trade surplus or a deficit better for China? In a certain period, if China's total exports are less than imports, it is in a deficit situation

conversely, it is a trade surplus. In fact, the concept is relative...

7. 2023年3月28日:经常账户顺差的转化

The trade investment surplus is mainly transformed into outbound investments by the private sector in China, increasing foreign assets. The high trade investment surplus no longer corresponds to high growth in official reserves. On the one hand...

8. 2018年6月16日:美元需求和出口顺差

For example, with an export surplus, exporters earn a lot of US dollars but want to exchange them for Chinese yuan. However, relying solely on the demand for US dollars from trade exports...

9. 2022年8月20日:2022年一季度外汇储备变化原因

In the first quarter of 2022, China's trade surplus was $145 billion, with a direct investment surplus of $59.9 billion, but forex reserves decreased by $62.2 billion. The main reasons include service trade...

10. 2020年3月9日:贸易逆差和顺差的情况

In the first two months of this year, China's total import and export trade value was 4.12 trillion yuan, a 9.6% decrease from the same period last year. China had a trade deficit of 42.59 billion yuan, compared to a surplus of 293.48 billion yuan...


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