天气预报怎么样呢 天气预报怎么样呢用英语说

2024-05-20 10:59:34 59 0

When it comes to checking the weather forecast, there are several ways you can inquire about it in English. Let's take a look at some useful phrases and expressions:

1. How to Ask About Current Weather

1. How’s the weather today? 2. What’s the weather like today? 3. What do you think of the weather here?

When you want to know about the current weather situation, you can use these phrases to get the information you need.

2. Inquiring About Future Weather

1. How’s the weather tomorrow? 2. What was the weather like yesterday?

If you're curious about the weather in the near future or want to reminisce about past weather conditions, these phrases will come in handy.

3. Asking About the Weather Forecast

1. What does the weather forecast say? 2. What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? 3. What’s the average temperature in London on a...

When you want to know the detailed predictions for upcoming weather, you can use these phrases to inquire about the weather forecast.

4. English Idioms Related to Weather

1. In all weathers – Regardless of whether it’s good or bad weather. 2. Keep a weather eye on ***/sth – To remain vigilant or cautious about someone or something.

These idiomatic expressions can add some variety to your conversations about the weather in English.

5. Translation of Weather Forecast

The translation of "天气预报" into English is "weather forecast" or "weather report." This term refers to the prediction of weather changes over a specific period based on various meteorological data and analysis.

Remember, weather plays a crucial role in our daily lives, so being able to discuss it in English can be quite useful!

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